The crew meets on Tuesday’s 8:30-10:00 AM and Sunday’s 8:30-10:00 AM. The crew train as a group and work towards the goals of competing as individuals and as a team. Each member of the crew has the ability to scull in singles, doubles, quads, and occasionally in sweep rowing shells and on the rowing barge.

The crew was coached by longtime coach Debbie McDiarmid and is now coached by Casey Dickerson, Susan Temming, and Monica Velez. The Dangerous Athletes have competed in the Heart of Texas, Texas State Championships, Head of the Colorado, and the Erg Rodeo. We are excited to continue to compete and have goals of competing outside of the Austin area.
Individuals who would like to join the Dangerous Athlete Crew will need to have the ability to scull successfully in adaptive single and or double rowing shells. Private lessons are available with our adaptive rowing coaches to help get you up to speed.
If you're interested in joining the Dangerous Athletes crew, please contact Tony Kuhn for more information.
Interested in Joining?